Thursday 26 January 2017

591 Hello Morrissey solo - Suedehead

Chart  entered :  27  February  1988

Chart  peak : 5

Number  of  hits : 38

Easy  post  this  one  as  I've  covered  the  beginning  of  Stephen  Patrick's  solo  career  here.

1 comment:

  1. I imagine Morrissey felt vindicated in his criticisms of Rough Trade not pushing the Smiths enough when his first single went five places higher than his old band's highest placing.

    As I've gotten older, the attraction of this particular song have been less about the singer, more of the guitar work of Vini Reilly. I mentioned his part in this on your album blog, but bears repeated mention as poor Vini's ill health (not that he was ever a healthy sort to begin with) has left him, as I know from occasional sighting round my way, a very frail figure indeed.
